Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. Following Tassadar's sacrifice, the zerg on the protoss homeworld fell into disarray, but were still bent on their genocidal rampage. From there, the sector takes a turn down a very different path. The following article is a timeline of the major events of the StarCraft universe. Dezember 1998, also noch im Jahr der Veröffentlichung des eigentlichen Spiels, erschien die Erweiterung StarCraft: Brood War.

During the battle, Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov went AWOL with a substantial number of UED troops, and returned to the p… Below you can find links to the various missions found in StarCraft and it's expansion Brood War. This is the protoss campaign of the StarCraft: Brood War game.